Coping Strategies
Six Steps of Coping Strategies
Self-Soothing - Distraction - Opposite Action - Emotional Awareness - Mindfulness - Crisis Plan
Step 1- Self-Soothing
(Comforting yourself through your five senses)
Something to Touch (stuffed animals, stress ball)
Something to Hear (music, meditation cd guides)
Something to See (happy pictures, family videos, happy films)
Something to Taste (mint sweets, warm drink)
Something to Smell (Body lotion, hand cream, perfume, use your favourite body wash)
Step 2- Distraction
(Taking your mind off the problem for a while)
Puzzles, jigsaw, books, artwork, crafts, knitting, crocheting, sewing, crossword puzzles, sudoku, positive websites, music, book, movies.
Step 3- Opposite Action
(Do something the opposite of your impulse that’s consistent with a more positive emotion)
1, Affirmations and Inspiration
(e.g. looking at or drawing motivational statements or images)
2, Something funny or cheering
(e.g. funny films, tv or books)
Step 4- Emotional Awareness
(Tools for identifying and expressing your feelings)
A list or chart of emotions, a journal, writing, drawing, art.
Step 5- Mindfulness
(Tools for centering and grounding yourself in the present moment)
Meditation or relaxation, recording, grounding objects (like a rock or paperweight), yoga and breathing exercises.
Step 6- Crisis Plan
(Contact information of support and resources, for when coping skills aren’t enough)
Friends, Family
G.P Therapist, Psychiatrist, Mind, Samaritans crisis Hotline, ER, 111 or 999
Useful link
The NHS Choices website:
Elefriends forum: a safe, supportive online community from Mind
Blogs and stories: from people who have struggled with their mental health
Moodzone: NHS advice on stress, anxiety and depression
NHS audio guides: advice on anxiety, depression and more
Video: 8 relaxation tips from Mind
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