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Charity Merchandise 

Support NEC UK

A range of merchandise and products which you can buy or sponsor to support our work, Supporting families effected by Necrotising Enterocolitis.


We accept both PayPal and Direct bank transfers. Paying via a bank transfer means we receive 100% of your payment. 

Due to reduced Volunteer support we have had to make the difficult decision to put our Parent care packs and Kangaroo Hampers on hold for the time being. 

If you would like to volunteer for NEC UK follow the link: Volunteer Opportunities | NEC UK Please complete an application form and return via

Sponsor: Kangaroo Care Hamper

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Product Details

Kangaroo Care is skin-to-skin contact with your baby; this is when your baby is placed against your chest.

“Unicef uk state Skin-to-skin contact is a key part of the Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative standards. It helps the baby to adjust to life outside the womb and is highly important for supporting mothers and fathers to initiate breastfeeding and to develop a close, loving relationship with their baby.”

Kangaroo Care Reduces cortisol (stress) levels particularly following painful procedures in both mother and baby. It is also beneficial in preventing postnatal depression and helps parents to feel closer to their babies and more confident in caring for them.

Kangaroo Care has many other benefits:

  • Calms and relaxes both mother, father and baby
  • Regulates the baby’s temperature, heart rate, breathing and Improves oxygen saturation levels. This all plays a vital role in helping them to better adapt to life outside the womb.
  • Improvements with lactation and with establishing breastfeeding
  • Stimulates digestion and an interest in feeding, better weight gain for the baby.
  • Enables colonisation of the baby’s skin with the mother’s friendly bacteria, thus providing protection against infection
  • Stimulates the release of hormones to support breastfeeding and mothering. Stimulates your own milk supply.

Here at NEC UK we encourage and promote Kangaroo Care by sending our local Hospitals Kangaroo Care Hampers containing the essentials. Our Kangaroo care hampers are offered to parents of premature and sick babies and are designed to support bonding and breastfeeding.

Our Kangaroo Care Hamper contains

  • 1 x Kangaroo Plush soft toy
  • 1 x Cellular baby blanket
  • 2 x Knitted bonding squares
  • 1 x Story book
  • 1 x Bag of cotton wool balls
  • 1 x Nappy cream
  • 1 x Note pad
  • 1 x Pen
  • 1 x Reusable drinks bottle
  • Helpful Information
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Sponsor: Kangaroo Care Hamper

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