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NEC Awareness Day 17th May 2020

Writer's picture: NEC UKNEC UK

Updated: May 13, 2020

NEC UK is the first charity in the UK exclusively for the condition Necrotising Enterocolitis (NEC).

UK Charities General fundraising has been hit very hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thousands of fundraising events have been cancelled and many charities, particularly smaller ones like ours NEC UK, are struggling to maintain services because of this huge reduction in income. This impacts all sectors of NEC UK’S Services.

NEC UK is a Parent Led Charity organisation and primarily offers support to families affected by the condition at any stage of their journey. In addition to family support our objectives are to support further research and studies into NEC, to raise awareness of NEC while also developing good relationships with experts, care providers and other organisations to give NEC a platform to be heard and improve the outcomes for babies affected by Necrotising Enterocolitis and their families.

Nobody quite knows the lasting effects of NEC on the body and brain. That is why it is vitally important we continue to raise awareness and support Research to develop a better understanding of Necrotising Enterocolitis.  

Here’s how you can get involved in raising awareness:

  • Order your NEC UK Merchandise

  • Join our email list

  • Subscribe to our blog

  • If you’re on Facebook, use the NEC UK FB Frame for NEC Awareness Day

  • Get creative share our logo Toby Bear pictures, create a fantastic window display “Because Tiny Bowels Matter” and send us your photos! Resources available from Our Website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

  • Light up your window Blue or Green, Fake candles or a Christmas projector setting to green and blue works well…

  • Share your photos and stories of how NEC has impacted your life.

  • Make a Donation to NEC UK

  • Create a Facebook fundraiser

  • Follow NEC UK on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter and help us build a #necday Twitterstorm on May 17!

  • Join us for our Instagram live with our global partners NEC society and NEC U.K. Wednesday May 13th 7pm UK time. Please join us ask questions see what we are all up to. NEC alliance Australia and NEC society are Tuesday and PGG Brazil and NEC society Thursday.

Please share with us how NEC has impacted your life. Tag us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter use the hashtags: #NECUK#preventNEC#NECday#Becausetinybowelsmatter

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